A sustainable approach to creating value

Our primary business goal is to leave a positive lasting legacy from the projects and activities we undertake, to build better together. This has always been at the heart of our operations. It’s something we do because it is right for our clients, right for their communities, right for the environment, and right for us.

Our project teams actively seek sustainable solutions, reducing construction and operational environmental impacts, minimising waste and carbon emissions. They look to enhance social cohesion and equity, and provide meaningful work and opportunities to local communities and supply chain partners , engaging local suppliers and Small to Mediums Enterprises wherever possible. We actively promote the Considerate Constructors Scheme, which encourages environmental awareness and good neighbourliness on our construction sites.

Our Manifesto includes a pledge to support the civic engagement of our employees, either directly or through one of the Group’s many foundations. We are justly proud of our record in this respect.

We fund numerous schemes aimed at developing local people’s skills and life chances or enhancing the local environment. Our people are always ready to donate their time, energy and skills to rewarding projects, whether that is painting a school, restoring a war memorial or raising money for a hospice.

We encourage our supply chain to become equally involved and monitor their performance. We are partners to the Supply Chain Sustainability School, which helps suppliers to assess and improve their knowledge of sustainability.

View our Carbon Reduction Plan here.

View our Sustainability Brochure here.